Living To Please God Blog

How I Learned To Forgive

How I Learned To Forgive

I’m not anywhere near perfect in this area yet but there was a definite time in my life when I learned a big lesson in forgiveness, and went from wanting to kill someone to...

What Do We Let Our Eyes See?

David said, “I will set nothing wicked before my eyes” Ps 101:3 and also prayed that God would ‘turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things’ Ps 119:37. I have long believed that...

Are You Willing To Go It Alone?

Are You Willing To Go It Alone?

I just watched ‘Prince Caspian’ where C.S. Lewis draws a very challenging picture of our walk with Christ. When Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy try to find the crossing of the river to go...

The Blessing Of Being Early

The Blessing Of Being Early

I have had a revolutionary week. I implemented one small change in my day and it had amazing results! A friend gave me some advice which I have heard before but never figured out...

The Fruit Of Being A Stay At Home Mum

Often I catch myself thinking thoughts like, ‘No-one sees what I do’ and ‘Whatever I clean up just gets dirty again’. And when I was in a room of people and they went around...