Living To Please God Blog

God Forgives!

You may understand and realise God’s forgiveness, but many Christians still live in guilt from the past, or feel condemned for a long time after they have done wrong. And even though they are...

Thoughts on God’s Ways from C.S. Lewis

I have read the Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis many times, and I can now see much more symbolism and depth than I did before. Two parts stuck out to me from ‘The...

The Problem with Self-Seeking

In the ‘Love Chapter’ – 1 Corinthians 13, it says that ‘love does not seek its own‘. I realised the other day that many of our problems come from doing this very thing –...

Trees Without Fruit

A few weeks ago we planted some young apple trees which had no leaves on. Now they have leaves and flowers, so they are growing, and I am sure that one day they will...

Do You Love God’s Word?

Do You Love God’s Word?

I’ve been reading the last book of the ‘Left Behind’ series and I can honestly say that it’s one of the most truly exciting books I have ever read. It’s called ‘Glorious Appearing‘, and...

How To Stop the Pity Party

You may think I’m writing this because I’m way past pity parties, but unfortunately I’m actually writing this because I was just having one! So I thought I’d share how I got myself out...

e-Sword: Great Free Bible Study Software

e-Sword is my favourite Bible study software, but it’s hard to get people to use it if they don’t know how. So I decided to write a short series of tutorials on some of...