Inspiring Missionary Book To Read Aloud to Children

The other day I was brought to tears as I read to my children. I hardly ever cry, but I got to the point where I had to stop reading and let my daughter take over!

The next day we read from the same book and we were still talking about what we read at dinner time. What could have had such an impact on us?

It was a book called ‘Missionary Stories with the Millers‘. I use the ‘Sonlight’ curriculum as part of our home education. This is one of the books they use which I am going through with my 8 and 6 year old together. 

The story we read was about Preena, an Indian girl who ran away from the temple to try to seek refuge from Amy Carmichael, a missionary there. The last time she had tried to run away she had been brought back and branded on her hands with a red hot iron rod. 
This time she had fled when no-one was watching, but had soon been discovered and they were just about to catch her when she found Amy. She asked her for help and Amy paid 50 rupees to the temple women so that Preena wouldn’t have to go back. This is what follows:
‘Preena could hardly believe what had happened. She still clung to the missionary with both hands as she was led gently into a house. Sitting down, the white-skinned woman took Preena onto her lap.

“My name is Amy,” she told the tired little girl. “You don’t need to be afraid any more. I have bought your freedom! And tomorrow I will tell you all about the Lord Jesus Christ, Who also wants to set you free.”
There are so many children and adults out there that need help even in the West. I just read last night that the suicide rate in the UK went down in 2012 – to 6000. Down??? 
Let’s pray that the Lord would use us wherever we are to be of help to people like Amy was, even though it might be in different ways.
If you want to tell your children missionary stories, this is a great book to do that with. We have been inspired and challenged over and over again by these short but amazing true accounts.

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2 Responses

  1. Charlotte says:

    That brings back memories! I used some of the “Millers” books when my boys were young. I home schooled four from K-12…they are now grown. Take all the time in the world to read to them, they grow up fast!

  2. Rhoda says:

    Wow that’s great you read those to your kids too. Four must be a lot! I will definitely try and read to them all I can – Sonlight helps a lot because it forces me to do it lol!