Satisfaction from God’s Work

At church on Sunday we heard this:

‘When we are about our Father’s business we are most satisfied.’ 

I love this, because it is something that I really find true in my life. True heartfelt satisfaction for me comes when I am doing what I know God wants me to do and I am serving Him.

 The disciples urged Jesus at one point in His life, ‘“Saying, “Rabbi, eat.” But He said to them, “I have food to eat of which you do not know.” Therefore the disciples said to one another, “Has anyone brought Him anything to eat?” Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work. John 4:31-34 

I am greatly challenged by that – I would love to be at the point where I am so satisfied by being about my Father’s business that I don’t even look for food! And that doesn’t necessarily mean ministry, but anything where we know we are doing what God wants us to do and doing it for the glory of God – whether it’s our daily work, cleaning, schoolwork, parenting…

Let’s set our eyes on eternal things, and do what God has called us to do, because in that we will be truly satisfied!

Check back on Tuesdays for more ‘Sermon Snippets’!

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3 Responses

  1. It’s interesting to ponder the opposite of this, too. Opposites are often instructive.

    ‘When we are not about our Father’s business we are least satisfied.’

    We may get temporary satisfaction from achieving our own goals. But just as iron rusts, fruit spoils and youth turns to old age, the eternal element is missing.

    So let’s aim high, as high as possible! Let’s aim to please the Most High in all we do.

    I must choose whether to be full of the fruit of my own spirit, or filled with the fruit of his Spirit in everything I do.

    Thanks, Rhoda, for sharing your thoughts. You are absolutely right.

  2. Sorry to comment twice in quick succession, but I just spotted this from Henri Nouwen.

    ‘How do we live in creation? Do we relate to it as a place full of “things” we can use for whatever need we want to fulfill and whatever goal we wish to accomplish? Or do we see creation first of all as a sacramental reality, a sacred space where God reveals to us the immense beauty of the Divine?’

    I think this is relevant – and very beautifully worded.

  3. Rhoda says:

    That’s a beautiful quote Chris – I love the last bit and it’s so true. In homeschooling my children I continually see more of the greatness of God through science, nature and everything else! And I totally agree with you about aiming as high as possible!