The Very Worried Sparrow

My daughter has been struggling with bad dreams and crying at bedtime because she’s scared of having more of them. So last week I read her a story that I got from the local library, and I think it actually helped her!

It was called, ‘The Very Worried Sparrow’. A little sparrow was born, that was not like the rest of his family, because instead of going ‘cheep, cheep’ he went ‘meep, meep’ as he was worried about everything.

What finally changed him was when the Turtledove told him the stories about ‘the Great Father who made us all and who cares about every sparrow’ and he realised that he didn’t have to worry anymore!

I explained this to Hope, how God made us and cares about us, and He knows and cares for every sparrow so he is definitely looking after us. Now I say to her, ‘Are you going meep, meep, or cheep, cheep?’ and she invariably says “Cheep, cheep!”

The story reminded me of a poem my mum and dad wrote down for me when I was very young:

Overheard In An Orchard
Said the robin to the sparrow,
“I would really like to know
Why those anxious human beings
rush around and worry so.”
Said the sparrow to the robin,
“Friend, I think that it must be
That they have no Heavenly Father
such as cares for you and me.”
~Elizabeth Cheney~

We can get worried about so much, but if we would only remember that God made us, He loves us, and He will not let anything happen to us unless He has allowed it.

He even sends His angels to watch over us and that is no small thing – I was just reading this morning how God sent one angel down to kill 185,000 men who were camped to fight against Jersualem!

The angel of the LORD encamps all around those who fear Him, And delivers them.
Psa 34:7

Here is a great song by Twila Paris called ‘God is in Control’:

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3 Responses

  1. Brooke says:

    I wish I would have seen this earlier! My daughter woke up after a bad dream (which she often has, too) and your advice here is much better than what I said!

  2. Lovely rich post. Love the combo of personal story, poems, and the Twila Paris video. Particularly love the cute poem!!

  3. Rhoda says:

    Brooke, maybe you should give me your advice as well so I can combine it with mine 🙂

    Thanks Anita – I love that poem too.