The Bible’s Call to Action

It warmed my heart to read this, in an old Puritan book called Precious Remedies against Satan’s Devices by Thomas Brooks:

‘If any should ask me, what is the first, the second, the third part of a Christian? I must answer, Action; as that man that reads that he may know, and that labours to know that he may do, will have two heavens – a heaven of joy, peace and comfort on earth, and a heaven of glory and happiness after death.’

The Bible Calls For Action

I think we can sometimes be so overwhelmed with people saying that we need to rest and be still (which is also a good thing!) that we are scared off from putting in effort in the Christian life. But the Bible calls for it.

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. James 1:22

It Is A Balance

It is interesting to me that it is John who talks about the importance of abiding in Christ, but it is also John who talks about how we show that we love God by keeping His commandments.

He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.” John 14:21

It is important to be still and spend time with God away from the busyness of life, and we need to pray and depend on God for His strength. But we also have our own role to play in growing as a Christian, and are called to put into action what we read. We are fighting a fight, and running a race!

Reading In Order To Do

I think the important message to take from all this is to read the Bible in order to know, and to do what it says. So we shouldn’t just read it and think, “That’s a lovely promise”, but actually apply it to our lives personally.

“But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do the things which I say?” Luke 6:46

For a while now I have kept a journal to go along with my Bible. I try to write down at least one principle, promise and commandment from my reading every day, as well as anything else that strikes me. I then write down at least one application to my life, and try to pray through what I’ve written.

Doing this has transformed my Bible reading into an exciting and practical time, which transfers into my daily life, as I am taking away real challenges. It doesn’t take that long, and it is so exciting that I now really miss having my journal with me if it’s lost somewhere.

If you don’t do something like this already, please try it, and I think you will be encouraged by the results!

Linking up with Winsome Wednesdays, Women Living Well, Beholding Glory (their buttons are in the sidebar).

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9 Responses

  1. Wanda says:

    I have been thinking about the balance of Christian life. We have to be sure to eat the whole scroll or we will find ourselves only doing part of what is required of us. Happy WFW!

  2. Jo Royal says:

    I have been thinking a lot about the balance between resting and doing. It seems a lot of people have been talking about being a Mary lately – linking it with ‘being still’ – but I can’t help shake the idea that being still before God is just one of the many commands on our life. We are also told to ‘Go’ – and that involves action. Appreciate this post – thank you 🙂

  3. Tracy says:

    Hi Rhoda – action and balance. The most difficult of things for me to do. I feel like a wonky pendulum sometimes but all things are possible with our God. Great post. Thanks for linking up again. I so appreciate it and look forward to seeing you there.
    God bless

  4. Rhoda says:

    Hi Wanda, thanks for visiting – the Christian life is definitely a balance!

    Hi Jo, I have heard people talking about the resting side a lot in the last year or so too, which is why it has been going round in my head. I looked it up in a systematic theology book and it said there are two types of sanctification – passive (God’s role) and active (our role), and it is easy to get off balance and veer towards one or the other. I like how you put it 🙂

    Hi Tracy, I’m usually wonky in some way or other too 🙂 I liked your post by the way, just hadn’t got around to commenting on it yet!

  5. Shanda says:

    it is so crucial to apply God’s word to our lives every time we read the Bible. For years I never wrote things down but find it so helpful now.

  6. Rhoda says:

    Hi Shanda, thanks for visiting 🙂 I am the same in not having written things down for years. Now though, I hate not having my journal with me because it feels like I’m missing out!

  7. Beautifully spoken! So true, we are to be doers of the word and not just hearers. It is a ‘balance’ and God wants us to spend time in His presence and then go and give HIM away to this lost and hurting world. Love will change the world and they will know us by our love for one another and by doing great exploits for the King! We have similar hearts and I am blessed God connected me here. Bless you and your family!

  8. great thoughts Rhonda….I want to use my life to shine Him….it’s what makes me feel the best…more than things or trips or anything. Thank you for shining here in cyberspace…..

  9. Rhoda says:

    Hi Carrie, thank you for your kind words. I like how you said that God wants us to spend time in his presence and then go and give Him away. That’s a great way of thinking about it!

    Hi Sarah, thank you for your comment. I totally agree with you. When I live for God it results in much more peace and joy than anything else I do!