Category: obedience

Remember What God Has Called You To

When I was first married, my husband was a youth pastor. I remember thinking to myself that it would be really hard if he ever became a pastor of a church because we’d have...

Choosing Our Response

I think God is trying to show me right now that I can choose my response to what happens to me. In my head I know this, but my will and heart often need...

Why Should I Change?

As we have been going through ‘The Excellent Wife’ with our women’s ministry I keep being struck by the need for us to have motivation to change. With a title like ‘The Excellent Wife’...

Are You Willing To Go It Alone?

Are You Willing To Go It Alone?

I just watched ‘Prince Caspian’ where C.S. Lewis draws a very challenging picture of our walk with Christ. When Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy try to find the crossing of the river to go...